bones of the appendicular skeleton are contained in the pectoral girdle,
the pelvis girdle, the upper and lower extremities
pectoral girdle, or shoulder girdle attaches the bones of the upper extremities
to the axial skeleton. Each of the two pectoral girdles is made up of a
clavicle and a scapula. The clavicle is the anterior and more delicate
of the two, and articulated with the sternum. The posterior scapula is
free, held in place by muscles, articulates with the clavicle and humerus
clavicles, or collarbones, are long, slender bones. They are S-shaped,
located superiorly to the first rib. The medial end is called the sternal
extremity. It is rounded and articulates with the sternum. The broader,
flatter end is the acromonial extremity, which articulated with the acromion
of the scapulae. The joint there formed is the acromonioclavicular joint.
The conoid tubercle is on the inferior aspect of the bone, towards the
lateral end, and serves as an attachment for ligaments. Also on the inferior
surface is the costal tubercle, towards the medial end, with the same purpose
scapulae, or shoulder blades, are flat, roughly triangular bones between
the second and seventh ribs. A sharp ridge, the spine, run diagonally across
the dorsal aspect of the body, which is the main section of the bone. Laterally,
the bone forms the acromion that articulates with the clavicle. Inferior
to the acromion is the glenoid cavity. This cavity articulates with the
head of the humerus. The thin, medial edge is the medial, or vertebral,
border. The outer is thicker, the lateral, or axillary, border. The superior
is the superior border, which joins to the vertebral border at the superior
angle. The scapular notch is a prominent indentation along the superior
border. The lateral end of the superior border is a projection named the
coracoid process to which muscles attached. Both above and below the spine
are the supraspinous and the infraspinous fossae. Both serve as surfaces
of attachment for shoulder muscles. On the ventral aspect of the scapulae
are slightly hollowed sections named the subscapular fossae
upper extremities are made up of sixty bones. They consist of two each
humerus, radius, ulna, carpals, metacarpals, and phalanges
humerus, or arm bone, is both the longest and largest or the upper extremities.
The proximal end consists of a head which articulates with the glenoid
cavity or fossa of the scapula. It also has an anatomical neck, which is
an oblique groove just inferior to the head. The greater tubercle is a
lateral projection distal to the neck. The lesser tubercle is the anterior
process. Between the tubercles runs an intertubercular sulcus, or bicipital
groove. The surgical neck is a constricted portion just distal to the tubercles,
the name coming from it's liability to fracture. The body is roughly cylindrical
at the proximal end, becoming more triangular as it descends. Along the
middle portion of the shaft is a roughened V-shaped area called the deltoid
tuberosity, that attachment point for the deltoid muscle. At the distal
end is an almost 'double-joint'. the capitulum is the part of the knob
that articulates with the radius, and the trochlea with the ulna. The coronoid
fossa is the anterior depression that receive the ulna when the arm is
flexed. When the arm is fully extended, the olecranon fossa recedes the
olecranon of the ulna. The medial epicondyle and lateral epicondyle are
the rough projections of either side of the distal end of the humerus
radius and ulna make up the forearm, the radius being the thumb-side bone.
The proximal end of the ulna is the olecranon (process). The coronoid process
is an anterior projection. The trochlear, or semilunar, notch is a curved
area between the olecranon and the coronoid process. the radial notch is
a depression located inferiorly to the trochlear notch, which receives
the head of the radius. The distal end of the ulna consists of a head separated
from the wrist by a fibrocartilage disc, and a posterior styloid process
radius has, at the proximal end, a disc-shaped head that articulates with
the radial notch (ulna) and the capitulum (humerus). It also has a raised,
roughened area called the radial tuberosity, attachment for the biceps.
The distal end, like the ulna, has a styloid process on the lateral side.
On the medial side is located an ulnar notch for articulation with the
carpus, or wrist, is made up of eight small short bones: the hamate, triquetral,
pisiform, lunate, scaphoid, trapezium, trapezoid and capitate; counterclockwise
from the pinky finger. The hand bones are the carpals, numbered I, II,
III, IV and V from the thumb. The phalanges are made up of proximal, middle,
and distal bones, except the thumb, which has no middle
pelvic girdle consists of two coxal bones joined to the sacrum at the sacroiliac
joint. These are, in turn, made up of three bones fused together. The superior
ilium, the inferior and anterior pubis, and the inferior and posterior
ischium. The three fuse at the socket of the femur, called the acetabulum.
The ilium is the largest of the bones. It's superior crest is the iliac
crest, ending anteriorly in the anterior superior iliac spine, and posteriorly
in the posterior superior iliac spine. Inferior to the posterior superior
iliac spine is the greater sciatic notch. The internal surface of the ilium
seen from the medial side is the iliac fossa. Posterior to this is the
auricular surface. The ischium contains the prominent ischial spine, appearing
as the point on the end of the curve of the greater sciatic notch. From
this point, another, smaller curve is seen, the lesser sciatic notch. Seen
anteriorly, there are tow foramina inferior to the pelvic inlet, the obturator
foramina. The pubis is made up of a superior and inferior ramus, and a
body that helps make up the symphysis pubis. The symphysis pubis is the
fibrocartilage joint between the two os coxae
lower extremities are composed of sixty bones, being the two femurs, patellas,
tibias, fibulas, tarsals, metatarsals, and phalanges
femur is the longest and heaviest bone in the human body. The head articulates
with the acetabulum, then narrows into the neck. Inferior to that are the
greater and lesser trochanters, the greater being the lateral of the two.
The body of the femur has on it a rough, vertical ridge, the linea aspera.
The distal end expands to include the medial and lateral condyles and epicondyles.
There is a depressed area between the two condyles called the intercondylar
fossa, on the posterior aspect. On the anterior, between the condyles,
is the patellar surface
patella, or kneecap, is a small, triangular bone. The broader, superior
end is the base, the other is the apex. The posterior aspect contains two
articular facets, for the medial and lateral condyles of the femur
medial bone of the lower leg is the tibia. It is larger, and is the only
one of the two that articulates with the femur. The proximal and has on
it lateral and medial condyles for this purpose. They are slightly concave,
separated by the intercondylar eminance. The tibial tuberosity on the anterior
aspect is the point of attachment for patellar ligaments. The medial surface
of the distal end forms the medial malleolus, which articulates with the
talus. The fibular notch is the point of articulation with the fibula.
The fibula is smaller, and it's distal end makes up the lateral malleolus
tarsus is the collective name for the tarsals: cuboid, navicular, first
(medial), second (intermedial), and third (lateral) cuniforms, talus, and
the massive calcaneus
metatarsus is numbers I to V from the great toe, as are the phalanges The
bones of the foot make up two arches: the longitudinal arch (which is two
parts, medial and lateral), and the transverse arch
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