These papers have been contributed by people who want to share their information. Thus far, only my classmates have contributed. I hope, however to expand that and include your work. If you have a paper on a medical or anatomy related topic, send it and I'll try to get it up here for people to read and admire!
Asthma by ibugThe Bubonic Plague by Daniel M. Wilcox
Chicken Pox by Catie Elzie
Chronic Fatigue Immune Deficiency Syndrome by Chandra Padover
Conjunctivitis by Alison Brown
Diabetes by Greg Maxey
Giardia Lamblia by Mike Roberts
Hemophilia by Scott Hoskin
Lupus by Hillary Ross
Lyme Disease by Ryan Dejesus
Poliomyelitis by Allie Moulton
Immune Thrombocytopenic Purpura by ibug
Infectious Mononucleosis by Rebecca Borlik
Multiple Personalities? [Schizophrenia] by Drew Westcott
Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Syndrome by Brittany Heinrich
Spina Bifida by Heather Godfrey
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome by Heather Clifton
Tourette Syndrome by C.J. Humpherys
Tuberculosis by Anson Strejcek
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