the hypothalamus are two centers related to food intake. In the lateral
nucleus is the feeding center. In the ventromedial nucleus is the satiety
digestive system is concerned with five main activities:
taking food into the body, i.e. eating
moving the food along the digestive tract
breaking food down
the passage of digested food into the body
passing of waste products and undigestables
are two types of digestion. In the mouth and stomach, mechanical digestion
takes place. This is mastication and the grinding of food. Chemical digestion
takes place in the stomach, also, as well as the intestines. Chemical digestion
requires acid (HCl, hydrochloric acid) and enzymes:
amylase-- from the salivary glands, breaks down starches (polysaccharides),
producing maltose (disaccharide)
secreted in the stomach (zymogenic cells), breaks down protein into peptides
amylase-- from the pancreas, breaks starches down into maltose
from the pancreas, breaks down proteins into peptides
from the pancreas, breaks proteins into peptides
from the pancreas, digests terminal amino acid carboxyl (acid) end of peptides
lipase-- from the pancreas breaks down neutral fats (triglycerides) that
have been emulsifies by bile salts into fatty acids and monoglycerides
from the small intestine, breaks down maltose into glucose
from the small intestine, breaks down sucrose into glucose and fructose
from the small intestine, breaks down lactose into glucose and galactose
from the small intestine, breaks down terminal acids and amino and of peptides
into amino acids
from the small intestine, breaks dipeptides into amino acids
from the pancreas and small intestine, breaks down ribonucleic acid nucleotides
into pentoses and nitrogen bases
from the pancreas and small intestine, breaks down deoxyribonucleic acid
nucleotides into pentoses and nitrogen bases
organs of the digestive system are separated into two main groups. The
first is the gastrointestinal tract, or alimentary canal. The gastrointestinal
tract is a long, continuous tube running through the body from the mouth
to the anus. The second group is made up of the accessory structures or
organs; the teeth, tongue, salivary glands, liver, gallbladder, and pancreas
wall of the gastrointestinal tract, especially from the esophagus to the
anal canal, has the same basic arrangement of tissues. The four coats or
tunics of the tract from the inside out are the mucosa, submucosa, muscularis,
and serosa or adventitia
mucosa is a mucous membrane attached to a thin layer of visceral muscle.
Two layers compose this membrane: the lining epithelium, which is in direct
contact with digested materials, and an underlying lamina propria. The
epithelial layer is made up of nonkeritinized cells that are stratified
in the mouth and esophagus, but are simple throughout the rest of the tract.
The lamina propria is a loose connective tissue containing the nerves,
blood vessels and lymph vessels and nodules, as well as nonecapsulated
lymphatic tissues. Below the lamina propria is the muscularis mucosae.
which contains smooth muscle fibers that cause the small folds in the intestine.
With one exception, the other three layers of the intestine contain no
glandular tissue
submucosa is made up of loose connective tissue that binds the mucosa to
the third tunic, the muscularis. This layer is highly vascularized and
contains a portion of the submucous plexus (plexus of Meissner), which
is a part of the autonomic nerve supply to the muscularis mucosae. This
plexus is also vital to the control of secretions by the gastrointestinal
muscularis of the mouth, pharynx, and esophagus consists in part of skeletal
muscle that produces voluntary contractions of those areas (read that:
swallowing). Throughout the rest of the gastrointestinal tract, this layer
is made up of smooth muscle found in two sheets. The inner layer runs around
the circumference of the tract in circular arrangements of fibers. The
outer sheet is made up of fibers running ninety degrees to the inner in
longitudinal arrangements. Alternating contractions of the sheets produces
a wave-like movement (peristalsis) that carries food along the tract, breaks
it down mechanically and mixes it with digestive enzymes and acids. The
muscularis also contains the major nerve supply to the alimentary tract;
the myenteric plexus (plexus of Auerbach), which is made up of fibers from
both autonomic divisions and controls most gastrointestinal motility
outer peritoneum is the largest serous membrane of
the body. Serous membranes are also associated with the heart (pericardium)
and lungs (pleurae). The serous membrane consists of a layer of simple
squamous epithelium (mesothelium) and an underlying supporting layer of
connective tissue. The parietal peritoneum lines the walls of the abdominal
cavity. The visceral peritoneum covers some of the organs and constitutes
their serosa. The potential space between the parietal and visceral is
called the peritoneal cavity and contains serous fluid. In certain diseases
or disorders, the this cavity may become distended by the volume of serous
fluid contained therein. Such an accumulation is referred to as ascites.
Some organs lie on the posterior abdominal wall and are covered only on
the anterior aspect by the peritoneum (called retroperitoneal organs).
Examples would be the kidneys and pancreas. Unlike the pericardium and
pleurae, the peritoneum contains large folds that weave in and out between
the viscera, containing blood vessels, lymphatic tissues and nerves. One
such extension of the peritoneum is called the mesentery. It is an outward
fold of the peritoneum over the small intestine. A similar structure, the
mesocolon, binds the large intestine to the posterior body wall. Some other
important peritoneal folds are the falciform ligament (attaches the liver
to the anterior abdominal wall and diaphragm), the greater omentum (four-layered
fold in the serosa of the stomach that hangs like an apron over the anterior
of the intestines, then wraps around the transverse colon to attach firmly
to the parietal peritoneum), and the lesser omentum (two folds from the
duodenum, liver and stomach serosae)
mouth, also called the oral or buccal, cavity, is formed by the cheeks,
hard and soft palates, and tongue. The cheeks are lined with nonkeritinized
stratifies squamous epithelium and terminate at the lips. The lips (labia)
are covered on the outside by skin containing no sweat or oil glands, and
on the inside by a mucous membrane. The transition of one kind of tissue
to the other is called the vermilion. The skin is nonkeritinized, so the
blood is quite visible, giving lips their red appearance. With the cheeks,
the lips help aid in speech and positioning food during mastication.
At the midline, the inner surface of each lip is joined to the gingiva
by a (superior or inferior) labial frenulum. The vestibule of the oral
cavity is bounded externally by the cheek and lips and internally by the
gums and teeth (read that: the crevice between the gingiva and the lips/cheek).
The oral cavity proper extends from the vestibule to the fauces, the opening
between the oral cavity and the pharynx. The hard palate makes up the anterior
portion of the superior oral cavity, and is composed of the palatine processes
of the maxillary bones and the palatine bones. The hard palate it corrugated
like a washboard to aid in mechanical digestion. The soft palate forms
the posterior roof of the mouth, an arch-shaped muscular area lined by
a mucous membrane. Hanging from the free (posterior) border of the soft
palate is the uvula. On either side of the uvula are muscular folds that
run down the lateral side of the soft palate. Anteriorly, this is the palatoglossal
arch, posterior is the palatopharyngeal arch (posterior pillar). Situated
between the arches are the tonsils, housing for lymphatic tissues
tongue and it's accessory muscles make up the floor of the oral cavity.
The extrinsic muscles of the tongue originate outside the tongue and insert
into it. They include the hyoglossus, chondroglossus, genioglossus, styloglossus,
and palatoglossus. The extrinsic muscles are used to move the tongue in
order to chew and form food into a round mass called a bolus and force
it to the back of the throat for swallowing. The intrinsic muscles originate
and insert in the tongue to alter the size and shape of the tongue for
speech. The lingual frenulum aids in limiting the movement of the tongue
posteriorly. The term 'tongue-tied' comes from the condition known as ankyloglossia
in which the lingual frenulum is too short and makes speech difficult.
The upper and lateral surface of the tongue are covered in papillae, projections
of the lamina propria covered by epithelium. Filiform papillae are conical
projections distributed in parallel rows over the anterior two thirds of
the tongue. They are whitish and contain no taste buds. Fungiform papillae
are mushroom-like in shape, evenly distributed among the the filiform papillae,
but are more numerous towards the tip of the tongue. Most contain taste
buds and appear as red dots. Circumvallate papillae, ten to twelve in number,
are arrange to form a V on the posterior surface of the tongue. They all
contain taste buds
is secreted by glands in or near the mouth. Small buccal glands in the
mucous membrane aid in saliva production, but most comes from the salivary
glands, of which there are three pairs:
glands-- located under and in front of the ears, between the masseter and
the skin. These are compound tuboacinar glands. The parotid (Stensen's)
ducts empty saliva into the superior oral vestibule near the second molar
glands-- compound acinar glands, found in the posterior floor of the mouth,
near the angle of the ramus. Saliva enters via the submandibular (Wharton's)
ducts, just behind the central incisors
glands-- located under the tongue, also compound acinar glands. They are
anterior to the submandibular glands. Their ducts, the lesser sublingual
(Rivinus') ducts along the area under the tongue
contains the bacteriolyic enzyme lysozyme, urea, uric acid, serum albumin
and globulin, mucin, and salivary amylase. But 99.5 percent of the volume
is water. Each pair of glands supplies a different substance to the overall
composition of saliva. The parotids contain cells that secrete a watery
substance containing salivary amylase. The submandibulars secrete the same
enzyme, but the glands contain more mucous cells, resulting in a thicker,
more viscous secretion. The sublinguals are mostly mucous cells, and contribute
very little salivary amylase. The water in saliva provides a medium for
the food to be dissolved into for tasting and initial digestion
(dentes) are accessory structures located in the mouth, in the sockets
of the alveolar processes of the maxillae and mandible. A hard enamel is
the chewing surface. It is put down during the growth of the tooth and
is not replenished by the body after eruption. The portion of the tooth
about the gingiva (gums) is referred to as the crow. Underlying the enamel
is the dentin, a bone-like substance that gives the tooth shape and rigidity.
The constricted part of the tooth where the enamel terminates is the neck.
ABove the neck, still in the crown, is the pulp cavity. It is filled with
pulp, a connective tissue containing blood vessels, lymphatics and nerves.
The pulp cavity runs down the inside of the tooth to the tooth's roots,
called root canals. At the end of each root is an opening for the nerves,
blood vessels and lymphatic tissues to exit, the apical foramen. The dentin
of the root is covered with cementum, which attaches the root to the periodontal
ligament. The periodontal ligament attaches the tooth to the gingiva. The
permanent dentition contains 32 teeth: (anterior to posterior)
incisors (4)
incisors (4)
or canines (4)
premolars or bicuspids (4)
premolar or bicuspids (4)
molars (4)
molars (4)
molars or wisdom teeth (4)
or deglutition, is made up of three stages. The first is the voluntary
stage in which the bolus is moved from the mouth into oropharynx. Second
is the pharyngeal stage, the involuntary passage into the esophagus from
the pharynx. The last is also involuntary, the esophageal stage from the
esophagus to the stomach
esophagus is about 23 to 25 centimeters in length and begins at the end
of the laryngopharynx, passes though the mediastinum anterior to the spine,
through the esophageal hiatus of the diaphragm and terminates at the superior
portion of the stomach. This termination is at the lower esophageal sphincter.
The upper esophageal sphincter consists of the cricophageal muscles and
the cricoid cartilage
main part of digestion takes place in the stomach, a large, J-shaped organ
directly inferior to the diaphragm. It is divided into four areas:
surrounds the lower esophageal sphincter
the rounded portion above and to the left of the cardia
the main section of the body
the narrow section at the inferior end of the stomach
medial, concave border of the stomach is called the lesser curvature, and
the lateral convex is the greater curvature. The pylorus meets the small
intestine at the pyloric sphincter. The internal lining of the stomach
is folded into what are called rugae of the mucosa. Inspection of the mucosa
reveals a layer of simple columnar epithelium, pitted with gastric glands
that rest in lamina propria. These glands are lined with zymogenic or peptic
cells, parietal cells, mucous cells, and enteroendocrine cells. The zymogenic
cells produce the major digestive enzyme precursor, pepsinogen. Hydrochloric
acid, which is involved in the conversion of the pepsinogen into pepsin,
and intrinsic factor, involved in the absorption of vitamin B12,
are from the parietal or oxyntic cells. The mucous cells produce (surprise!)
mucous. The secretions of these three cells are collectively called gastric
juice. The enteroendocrine cells secrete gastrin, a hormone which prompts
the secretion of HCl and pepsinogen, contracts the lower esophageal sphincter,
mildly increases the motility of the lower gastrointestinal tract and relaxes
the pyloric sphincter. The serosa covering the stomach is a part of the
visceral peritoneum
food passes out the pyloric sphincter, it enters the small intestine. The
continued chemical breakdown required secretions of not only the small
intestine, but those of the pancreas, liver and gallbladder, accessory
structures outside the small intestine
pancreas is a soft, oblong tuboacinar gland about 12 or 13 centimeters
long and 2.5 thick. It lies posterior to the greater curvature of the stomach
and is connected by a duct (usually two) to the duodenum. The pancreas
is divided into a head, body and tail. The head is the expanded portion
near the curve of the duodenum. Superior and to the left is the body. The
tapering terminal end it the tail. The pancreas is connected to the small
intestine through two ducts. The large passage of pancreatic secretions
is the pancreatic duct (duct of Wirsung). Most of the time, this duct joins
with the common bile duct to form a common duct at the hepatopancreatic
ampulla (ampulla of Vater). The hepatopancreatic duct opens into the small
intestine at the duodenal papilla, about 10 cm from the pylorus of the
stomach. The smaller duct is the accessory duct (duct of Santorini), located
above the main pancreatic duct. The pancreas is made up of glandular epithelial
cells. About one percent on the cells are the pancreatic islets, or the
islets of Langerhans. They are made up of alpha, beta, and delta cells
which secrete the hormones glucagon, insulin, and somatostatin. These islets
are endocrine glands. The remaining cells are referred to as acini. Their
secretions are made up of water, some salts, sodium bicarbonate, and enzymes.
The sodium bicarbonate makes the pancreatic juice slightly alkaline to
counteract the actions of the pepsin. The enzymes secreted by the pancreas
are pancreatic amylase, trypsin, chymotrysin, carboxypolypeptidase, pancreatic
lipase, deoxyribonuclease and ribonuclease
liver weighs about 1.4 kilograms. It is divided into two principle lobes,
the right lobe and the left lobe, by the falciform ligament. Bile, one
of the livers secretions, enters bile capillaries or canaliculi that empty
into small bile ducts. These, in turn, lead to the right and left hepatic
duct which joins to the common hepatic duct. The common hepatic duct then
joins the cystic duct of the pancreas as described above, becoming the
common bile duct. THe liver is made up of functional units called lobules.
A lobule consists of cords of hepatic (liver) cells arranged in a radial
pattern around a central vein. Between the cords are endothelial-lined
spaces called sinusoids, through which blood passes. The sinusoids are
also partially lined with phagocytic cells, termed stellate reticuloendothelial
(Kupffer's) cells, that destroy worn our white and red blood cells. Bile
has a pH of 7.6 to 8.6. It is made up mostly of water and bile salts, cholesterol,
a phospholipid called lecithin, bile pigments, and several ions. Bile is
yellow, brownish or olive-green in color. Bile plays a role in the emulsification
of fats, or the breaking down of the fats into small droplets. Cholesterol
is made soluable in bile by lecithin and bile salts. The principle bile
pigment is bilirubin, which is broken down in the intestines and give feces
their color. The liver has several functions:
bile salts, used for emulsification
with mast cells, manufacture the anticoagulant heparin and most other blood
red and white blood cells
down poisons
of nutrients
of glycogen, copper, iron, and vitamins A, B12, D, E, and K
of vitamin D
gallbladder is a pear-shaped sac about 7 to 10 centimeters in length. It
is located in the fossa of the visceral surface of the liver. It's function
is the storage and concentrate bile. When the small intestine is empty,
a valve around the ampulla of Vater called the sphincter of the hepatopancreatic
ampulla (sphincter of Oddi) closes and the backed up bile overflows into
the cystic duct and into the gallbladder for storage
major part of digestion and absorption takes place in the small intestine.
It is about 2.5 centimeters in diameter and 6.35 meters in length. The
small intestine is divided into three sections:
the shortest section, extending from the pyloric sphincter about 25 centimeters
to joint the jejunum
about 2.5 meters long
the longest section and the most inferior. About 3.6 meters long, joining
the large intestine at the ileocecal sphincter
mucosa on the small intestine contains many pits lined with glandular epithelium,
called intestinal glands (crypts of Lieberkühn) which secrete intestinal
juice. The submucosa contains duodenal (Brunner's) glands that secrete
an alkaline mucous to protect the intestinal walls. The epithelial cells,
except the goblet cells, contain microvilli, finger-like projections to
increase the surface area of the cell for absorption. The mucosa itself
lies in a series of villi, about .5 to 1 millimeter in length, for the
same purpose. Each villus has a core of lamina propria, in which is embedded
an arteriole, a venule, a capillary network, and a lacteal or lymphatic
vessel. In addition to the microvilli and villi, plicae curculares or circular
folds further increase the surface area available for absorption. Solitary
lymphatic nodules are most numerous in the lower ileum. Groups of these
nodules are referred to as aggregated lymphatic follicles or Peyer's patches.
There are two types of movement in the small intestine. Segmentation is
the major movement, used along with peristalsis. Segmentation does not
move the chyme, but holds it in contact with the mucosa
large intestine is about 1.5 meters long and about 6.5 centimeters in diameter.
It joins with the small intestine at the ileocecal sphincter or valve.
The purpose of the large intestine is to complete absorption, manufacture
certain vitamins, the formation and expulsion of feces. The large intestine
is attached to the posterior abdominal wall by the mesocolon of visceral
peritoneum. Below the ileocecal valve hangs the cecum. The cecum is a blind
pouch to which is attached the vermiform appendix, a coiled tube used to
gather up bacterium. The vermiform appendix is attached to ileum of the
small intestine by visceral peritoneum, called the mesoappendix. The main
body of the large intestine is the colon. The colon, in turn, is divided
into the ascending, transverse and descending colons. The angle of the
ascending and transverse colons is the right colic (hepatic) flexure. The
transverse and descending flexure is the left colic (splenic) flexure.
The sigmoid colon begins at the slight angle in the descending colon, at
about the level of the third sacral vertebra. The last 20 centimeters
of the gastrointestinal tract is the rectum. The most inferior section
of the rectum is the anal canal. The opening, the anus, is surrounded by
the internal and external anal sphincters. The mucous membrane in the anus
is arranged into longitudinal folds called anal columns. The longitudinal
muscles of the large intestine show as the bands running the length of
the intestine, referred to as taeniae coli. The colon is then gathered
into pouched named haustra. Small pouches of peritoneum filed with fat
are attached to the taeniae coli, called epiploic appendages.
and disorders of the digestive system include dental caries (tooth decay),
pyorrhea (degeneration and inflammation of the gingiva and bone loss in
the alveolar bone), peptic ulcers, appendicitis (inflammation of the vermiform
appendix), tumors, diverticulitis (weakening of the muscles in the large
intestine, forming sagging pouches called diverticula), cirrhosis (distortions
or scarring of the liver), hepatitis, hemorrhoids, gallstones, anorexia,
bulimia, and dietary fiber (Roughage) disorders
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