nervosa quite literally means loss of appetite, though this is a misnomer.
The sufferer is hungry, but will not eat for the fear of becoming overweight.
Anorexia nervosa is characterized by self-starvation, food preoccupation
or rituals, compulsive exercising, and quite often the lack of a menstrual
cycle. Untreated, anorexia nervosa may become fatal. It is not just a 'phase'
which shall be grown out of. The most common cause of death in an anorexic
is low serum potassium levels, which causes irregular heartbeat
nervosa is characterized by recurring periods of binge eating, sometimes
up to twenty thousand calories in one sitting. The bulimic is aware of
that their eating is out of control, and fear to be fat. As a result of
their supposed guilt, they induce attempt to 'purge' themselves though
self-induced vomiting, abuse of laxatives, diuretics, or other drugs, or
periods of intense fasting and exercise. The bulimic's weight is usually
normal, but can fluxuate by up to ten pounds from fasting and binging.
From vomiting, the teeth are damaged and stained. Reflux is a problem,
and the mucosae are broken down in the throat
compulsive eater is an individual who eats compulsively, but does not 'purge'
and does become overweight. They may eat three or four meals a day, along
with frequent snacks
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