heart is located, tilted with it's apex to the left, in the center of the
chest, between the lungs. It is slightly larger than a fist, weighing about
a pound
apex is formed by the tip of the stronger and larger left ventricle, projecting
inferiorly and anteriorly. The left border is formed almost entirely by
the left ventricle. The superior border, where the major blood vessels
leave the heart, is formed by both the left and right atria. The anterior
surface is also referred to as the sternocostal aspect, and the inferior,
the diaphragmatic aspect or surface
entire heart is cover by and held in place by the pericardium. The fibrous
pericardium is made of a heave, fibrous tissue resting on the diaphragm
with the open ends of the 'bad' connecting to the blood vessels leaving
the heart. The serous pericardium is like a partially filled bag in which
the heart is set, the inner surface, or visceral layer (epicardium) embraces
the heart. The outer (parietal) layer comes in contact with the fibrous
pericardium. In the sac that makes up the visceral and parietal peritoneum
is pericardial fluid, in the cavity aptly named the pericardial cavity.
Inflammation or infection of the pericardium is known as pericarditis.
Pressure builds in the pericardial cavity, compressing the heart (cardiac
wall of the heart itself is made up of three layers (from superficial to
thin layer of serous tissue and mesothelium. It is the epicardium, the
visceral pericardium, but is often considered a part of the heart, proper
cardiac muscle, the main bulk of the heart tissue and responsible for the
beating of the heart
thin layer of endolithium over another thin layer of connective tissue.
Covers the valves and the tendons which operate them. The endocardium is
continuous with the endolithial lining of the blood vessels
interior of the heart is divided into four chambers. Between the two lower
chambers, the ventricles, is the interventricular septum. The two smaller
and more superior atria are separated by interatrial septum. One feature
of this septum is an oval depression, the fossa ovalis, corresponding with
the opening of the foramen ovale, an opening in the interatrial septum
of the fetal heart. Each atrium has an appendage called auricle ('ear',
specifically, in this case, a dog's ear), which lies on the surface of
the heart, giving it more surface area. Externally, a groove, the coronary
sulcus, separates the ventricles from the atria and housing the right coronary
artery. The anterior interventricular sulcus and posterior interventricular
sulcus separate the two ventricles and is the location of the left coronary
artery. All three sulcus contain blood vessels and adipose deposits
right atrium receives blood from the entire body, with the exception of
the lungs. It does so through three major veins:
vena cava-- brings blood down from all areas of the body superior to the
vena cava-- brings blood up from areas inferior to the heart
sinus-- drains blood from from the vessels of the heart itself
right atrium then then moves blood to the right ventricle. The right ventricle
pumps blood through the pulmonary trunk, which splits into the right and
left pulmonary arteries, carrying blood to the right and left lungs to
pick up oxygen. Blood returns to the heart via pulmonary veins. The blood
moves from the pulmonary veins to the left atrium, to the left ventricle,
from which it is pumped to the rest of the body via the ascending aorta.
From the aorta, blood travels through the coronary artery, aortic arch,
and abdominal aorta. As the aorta arches, three major arteries come from
it. The first is the brachiocephalic artery, second, the left common carotid
artery, then the left subclavian artery
keep blood from flowing backwards, the heart has some collagen structures;
valves. Atrioventricular valves lie between the atria and ventricles. The
AV valve between the right atrium and ventricle is a tricuspid, called
so because it is made up of three flaps. These flaps are fibrous tissue
covered with the endocardium. Tendon cords, chordae tendineae, connect
the pointed ends of the roughly triangular flaps to the papillary muscles
on the ventricle walls. The ridges and folds of the ventricles are known
as the trabeculae carneae. Between the left ventricle and atrium is a bicuspid,
or mitral, valve
heart also contains two semilunar valves to keep blood from flowing back
into the heart from the arteries. They are the pulmonary and aortic semilunar
valves. Both consist of three half-moon (semi-lunar) shaped cusps. The
free edges curve up into artery. Pressure back into the hollows, towards
the heart, forcing them shut
blood flow to the heart muscle itself is the coronary or cardiac circulation.
Just under the auricle of the right atrium runs the right coronary artery,
the anterior and small cardiac veins. On the left are the left coronary
(branching into the circumflex branch and anterior interventricular branch)
arteries and the great cardiac vein. On the posterior aspect, the middle
branch of the veins, the middle cardiac vein, the posterior interventricular
branch and one circumflex branch of the left coronary artery
is the name for a reduced oxygen supply to the heart, weakening the cells
but not killing them. Angina is ischemia of the myocardium
sinoarterial or sinuatrial node (SA node), also called the pacemaker, is
a compact mass of cells located in the right atrium, just below the
opening of the superior vena cava. It sets the pace of the heart, spontaneously
depolarizing and beginning action potentials. When the SA node depolarizes,
it causes the artioventricular (AV) node, also located in the right atrium,
is one of the last areas in the atria to be depolarized. From the AV node,
a bundle of fibers, the atrioventricular (AV) bundle or bundle of His,
distributes the action potential through the left and right bundles to
the conduction myofibers (Purkinje fibers) in the ventricles, and the heart
normal heartbeats, the two atria contract while the ventricles relax, then
vis versa. Systole is contraction, diastole is relaxation. The phases of
the cardiac cycle are as follows:
systole (0.1 seconds)
filling (0.3 seconds)
diastole (combined with ventricular systole, 0.4 seconds)
first sound heart in a heart beat, the 'lubb', is the closing of the atrioventricular
valves. The second is 'dupp', the closing of the semilunar valves
portion of the cardiac cycle creates a different impulse, read by an EKG.
The first wave is the P wave, a small, upward wave, the atrial depolarization.
The second wave is the QRS (each letter a different point), the ventricular
depolarization. The low, long T wave follows, the ventricular repolarization.
Enlarged P waves indicates mitral stenosis, the narrowing of the mitral
valve and backing of blood into the left atrium and enlargement thereof.
An enlarged Q wave may show a heart attack (myocardial infarction). Enlarged
R waves indicate a enlarged ventricles. A flat T wave indicated that the
heart is not receiving enough oxygen, also shown by a depressed S-T segment
(the flat area between the QRS wave and T wave). Elevated S-T segments
are another indicator of a heart attack
aortic branches:
aorta: right and left coronary arteries, supplying the heart
arch: brachiocephalic (branching into the right common carotid and subclavian,
supplying the right upper extremity and brain), left common carotid (left
head and neck, brain), and left subclavian (upper left extremity)
aorta: intercostals (intercostal and chest muscles and pleurae), superior
phrenics (posterior and superior diaphragm), bronchials (bronchi of the
lungs), and esophageals (esophagus)
aorta: inferior phrenics (inferior diaphragm), celiac (dividing into the
common hepatic [liver], left gastric [stomach and esophagus], and splenic
[spleen, pancreas, and stomach]) superior mesenteric (small intestine,
cecum, ascending and transverse colon), suprarenals (adrenal, or suprarenal,
glands), renals (kidneys), gonadals ( branching into testicular or ovarian),
inferior mesenteric (transverse, descending, and sigmoid colon, and rectum),
and common iliacs (branching into the external iliacs or internal iliacs,
also called hypogastrics, supplying the lower extremities, then the uterus,
prostate, buttock muscles, and urinary bladder, respectively)
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