have three functions. They are motion, maintenance of posture and heat
fascia is the sheet or broad band of fibrous tissue beneath the skin or
around muscles and other organs. Superficial fascia is immediately deep
to the skin. It is made up of adipose tissue and loose connective tissue.
It serves as a storehouse for water and fat, it forms a layer of insulation,
protection from mechanical blows, and provides a pathway for blood vessels
and nerves. Deep fascia is the dense connective tissue that lines the body
wall and extremities, and binds them into functioning groups. Functionally,
the deep fascia allows free movement of muscles, carries nerves and blood
vessels, and sometimes provides the origin of a muscle
entire muscle is wrapped in a sheet of connective tissue called the epimysium,
an extension of the deep fascia. The epimysium divides in the muscle into
sheets of perimysium, binding muscle fiber together into groups. Each cells
is covered by and endomysium. All still part of the deep fascia. All three
blend together at the end of muscles to form strings, rope-like tendons.
When a tendon is flat and sheet-like, it is referred to as an aponeurosis,
such as the galea aponeurotica. The aponeurosis' sometimes serve at origins
for muscles. Certain tendons, especially those of the hands and feet, are
unclosed by tendon sheaths, much like the bursae of synovial articulations
muscles are well supplied with nerves and blood vessels. This innervation
and vascularization is directly related to the muscles contraction. Generally,
an artery and one or two veins accompany each nerve that penetrates the
muscle. Capillaries distribute blood evenly throughout the muscle
fibers, or myofibers, are the individual, cylindrical muscle cells. They
are wrapped with a specialized plasma membrane, the sarcolemma. The cells
range from 10 to 100 microns in diameter. Some reach lengths of a foot.
The cytoplasm of the myofiber contains many nuclei, myofibrils, flattened,
elongated mitochondria, and a sarcoplasmic reticulum, comparable to a smooth
endoplasmic reticulum. Running transversely to the sarcoplasmic reticulum
are transverse tubules (T-tubules). The tubules are extensions of the sarcolemma
which opens to the outside of the myofiber. A triad consists of a T-tubule
and the segments of sarcoplasmic reticulum on either side
above are the myofibrils, the contractile fibers with in the myofiber.
Myofibrils are about one or two microns in diameter. Even smaller fibers
make up the myofibril, called myofilaments. The thick (myosin) fibers are
about 16 nanometers across, and the thin (actin) are about 6 nanometers
do not stretch across the entire length of the myofibril. They are instead
arranged into segments of the fibril called sarcomeres. Sarcomeres are
separated from one another by dark, dense bands called Z lines. Within
the sarcomere, there are several definable areas and structures. A dark,
dense area called the anisotrphic or A band is the length of the myosin
filament. At either end of the A band, the thick and thin filaments overlap.
A greater degree of contraction causes more overlapping. There is also
a light colored band, the isotrophic or I band. This area contains only
actin filaments, split in the middle by the Z line where two sets of actin
filaments terminates and join the sarcomeres. In the middle of the the
A band is the H zone, where there is no overlapping of filaments. In the
middle of the H zone is the M line, a series of fine threads that appear
to connect the middles of the myosin threads
thin filaments are composed of two actin strands entwined helically. Each
actin molecule contains a myosin-binding site that interacts with with
a cross bridge of a myosin molecule. The filaments also contains tropomyosin
and troponin. The tropomyosin is arranged in strands that are loosely attached
to the actin helices. Troponin is located at regular intervals on the surface
of the tropomyosin. Troponin is made up of three subunits: troponin I which
binds to actin, troponin C which binds to calcium ions, and troponin T
which binds to tropomyosin. Together, the tropomyosin and the troponin
are referred to as tropomyosin-troponin complex
molecules makeup mot of the thick filament. The myosin is shapes like a
golf club with the tails arranges parallel to on another. The heads face
outward, referred to as cross bridges and containing actin-binding sites
and atp-binding sites on each one
contraction (sliding filament theory), thin myofilaments slide towards
the H zone. The sarcomere shortens, but the length if the myofilaments
remains the same. The cross bridges of the thick filaments connect with
the actin portion of the thin. The myosin heads move like oars and the
filaments slide over one another. The H zone narrows as they come together,
sometimes disappearing all together
must be applied for a muscle fiber to contract. A neuron which stimulates
muscle tissue is called a motor neuron. A motor unit is made up of a single
neuron and all of the myofibers it attaches to, sometime up to 500 myofibers
to a single neuron. More precise controls are only 10 to one ratios. The
attachment points are the neuromuscular (myoneural) junctions or motor
end plates. Closer inspection of the neuron reveals that the axon terminals
expand into bulb-like structures known as synaptic end bulbs. These bulbs
contain membrane-enclosed sacs, synaptic vesicles, which store neurotransmitters.
The depressed area in which the synaptic bulbs nestle are called synaptic
gutters. The space between them is the synaptic cleft. The synaptic vesicles
contain what is known as acetylcholine, or ACh. Upon it's release, ACh
diffuses across the synaptic cleft and combines with receptor sites on
the sarcolemma of the muscle fiber, resulting in a nerve impulse which
travels along the sarcolemma. The total tension of a muscle contraction
is controlled by the number of motor units stimulated, a process called
recruitment. Asynchronous firing of the synapses allows for rest of inactive
units and thus helps prevent muscle fatigue
a myofiber is at rest, the concentration of calcium ions (Ca2+) in the
sarcoplasm is low; the ions are stored in the sarcoplasmic reticulum. The
atp concentration is high, and the atp is attached to the binding sites
of the myosin cross bridges. The cross bridges are prevented from combining
with the actin by the tropomyosin-troponin complex and the atp-binding
sites. When stimulated, acetylcholine alters the sarcolemma into the transverse
tubules. ACh travels through the T-tubules and into the sarcoplasmic reticulum.
Calcium ions are released and combine with troponin, causing it to change
shape. The actin's myosin-binding sites are then exposed and the thin and
thick fibers lock together. The contraction requires energy, supplied by
atp. When the nerve impulse stimulates a myofiber, an atpase enzyme in
the myosin cross bridges splits the atp into adp and p. Energy is released
and activates the cross bridges. The stored energy in the myosin cross
bridges causes them to move towards the H zone, like oars of a boat. Accordingly,
the movement is called the power stroke. Once this stroke is completed,
atp combines with it's binding sites on the cross bridges and the actin
filament is released. ACh is is rendered inactive by acetylcholinesterase
(AChE) and calcium ions are transported back into the sarcoplasmic reticulum
by calsequestrin and calcium atpase, using energy from the atp breakdown.
The low calcium concentration allows the tropomyosin-troponin complex to
regain it's usual form. ADP is resynthesized into atp and the cell is relaxed
most other cells of the body, myofibers function in a, to say the least,
discontinuous manner. They lie in virtual inactivity, then are fired to
using atp up in a manner of seconds. The cells have several basic mechanisms
for generating atp continuously. The first involves a high-energy molecule
named phosphocreatine, found in concentrations about five times as great
as that of atp. When needed, it is broken down into creatine, phosphate,
and energy. The released energy is used to turn adp back into atp in a
fraction of a second. There is about enough of this in the cell for 15
seconds of contraction. After that, glycogen is broken down into glucose.
This will last for several minutes. After that, the cells break down fats
are rapid, jerky movements resulting from a single stimulus. When cells
are not able to relax at between stimuli, the result is a sustained contraction,
or tetanus. At lower stimuli speeds, this tetanus is 'unfused', but at
rates at or exceeding 35 to 50 impulses/second, it is 'fused'
are two main types of muscle contractions. The ones most often user are
isotonic. There the contractions in which the muscle moves, as in opening
a door or kicking a soccer ball. The other type is isometric. This results
when we push against an unmovable object. The muscles strain, but do not
noticeably contract
are never at complete rest. Alternating motor units contract, giving what
is known as muscle tone
all myofibers are alike. For one, they vary in color depending upon how
much myoglobin the cells contain. Myoglobin is red in color, similar to
hemoglobin in the blood. It stores oxygen until it is needed by the cells
mitochondria. Myofibers with high amounts of myoglobin are referred to
as red muscle fibers. Those with lower contents are white muscle fibers.
Red myofibers are smaller in diameter and have more mitochondria in their
cytoplasm, while white fibers have a more extensive sarcoplasmic reticulum.
Based on their speed of contraction, fibers are placed into three categories:
slow-twitch red fibers, fast-twitch red fibers, and fast-twitch white fibers.
Endurance sports cause the slow change of fast-twitch white into fast-twitch
red fibers
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