cell anemia:
cell anemia is an inherited blood disorder, characterized primarily by
chronic anemia and periodic episodes of pain
cause of sickle cell anemia is a genetic disorder in which the hemoglobin
is defective. When the hemoglobin molecules gives up their oxygen, some
will cluster together. This forms long, rod-like structures which cause
the red blood cells to stiffen and assume a sickle shape. With the deformity,
the cells cannot squeeze through the blood vessels, depriving organs and
tissues of oxygen
blood cells live for about one hundred twenty day in the blood, while the
defective sickled cells live only ten to twenty. Because of their shortened
lifespan, the blood is constantly deficient in red blood cells, a condition
known as anemia
cell anemia is a genetic disorder that resulted from a mutation which occurred
thousands of years ago in Africa, the Mediterranean basin, the Middle East,
and India. At the time, deadly malaria epidemics cause great numbers of
deaths. Those who inherited the sickle cell gene had an advantage: unlike
children with normal red blood cells, they could survive malaria, and grow
old enough to have their own offsprings, thus passing along the mutation.
As the population migrated, so did the mutation. In countries where malaria
is not a problem, like the United States, the sickle cell mutation is disorder,
no longer providing a survival trait of value. Instead it is a serious
threat. If a child inherits two of the recessive sickle cells genes, they
will be born with sickle cell anemia
the United States alone, sickle cell anemia affects approximately seventy-two
thousand people, most of whose ancestors descended from Africa. About two
million Americans carry the gene for sickle cell anemia
clinical course of sickle cell anemia does not follow a single pattern;
some patients have mild symptoms, and some have very severe symptoms:
syndrome. When the small blood vessels in the hands or feet are blocked,
pain and swelling can result, along with fever. This may be the first symptom
of sickle cell anemia in infants
paleness, and shortness of breath--all symptoms of anemia, or a shortage
of red blood cells
that occurs unpredictably in any body organ or joint, wherever the sickled
blood cells block oxygen flow to the tissues. The frequency and amount
of pain varies. Some patients have painful episodes (also called crises)
less than once a year, and some have as many as fifteen or even more episodes
in a year. The pain can last for a few hours, or for weeks. For especially
severe, prolonged pain, the patient may have to be hospitalized and treated
with painkillers and intravenous fluids. Pain is the principal symptom
of sickle cell anemia in both children and adults
problems are a common occurrence in people who suffer from sickle cell
anemia. The retina does not receive the proper blood circulation, causing
it to deteriorate, sometimes to the point of blindness
of the skin and eyes indicates jaundice, resulting from the rapid breakdown
of red blood cells The shortage of red blood cells can often result in
a delayed growth in children, and/or a slight build as an adult
children and adults with sickle cell anemia are more vulnerable to infections
than most. The cause is the damage to the spleen from the sickled cells,
which prevents the organ from destroying bacteria in the blood. Infants
or very young children can die in as little as nine hours from the onset
of a fever. Pneumococcal infections were once the principle cause of death
in the young, anemic children, until doctors began to routinely give them
penicillin for prevention of the fever. The children are given penicillin
twice a day from two moths until age five years. Sadly, several new strains
of pneumonia have appeared that are resistant to the penicillin The defective
hemoglobin damages the walls of the red blood cells, causing them to stick
to the inner membranes of blood vessels. The result is a narrowed or blocked
passage, which can lead to a stroke Acute chest syndrome is a life-threatening
complication of sickle cell anemia, caused by an infection or trapped sickled
cells in the lungs. It is characterized by chest pain, fever, and an abnormal
chest x-ray
electrophoresis is the most widely used diagnostic test. If the test is
positive for the presence of sickle hemoglobin, a second test is performed
yet, there is no cure for sickle cell anemia, but there are treatments
available. Most rely heavily on painkilling drugs, both oral and intravenous.
Blood transfusions are used to treat and prevent some of the sickle cell
complications. The infusions of the correct anemia increase the normal
red blood cell count, and treat spleen enlargement. Regular transfusions
can prevent recurring strokes in children
first effective drug treatment for adults was reported in 1995: the anticancer
drug hydroxyurea. The drug reduced the painful crises and acute chest syndrome.
Those on the drug also required fewer blood transfusions. The long term
effects on both adults and children are still being studied
with severe chest or back pain that prevents them from breathing well may
be able to prevent complications through the use of an incentive spirometer.
This is a small, plastic device, shaped like a tube, with a ball inside.
The patient must breath into it hard enough to force the ball up, so helping
them to breath more deeply
symptoms and complications of sickle cell amenia are treated as they occur.
Laser coagulation and other eye surgeries may be used to prevent further
vision loss in patients with eye problems. The knife may be recommended
for certain kinds of organ damage- such as gallstoned or replacement of
a hip. Leg ulcers are treated with cleaning solutions and zinc oxide, or
skin grafts if the condition persists
good health care, a sickle cell anemia sufferer can a productive life.
In the past thirty years, the patients life expectancy has risen to the
researchers are focusing on drugs that will increase the level of fetal
hemoglobin in the blood. This is the form of hemoglobin that all humans
produce before birth, but stop making shortly after birth. By the age of
half a year, most humans have little to none of the fetal form left in
the bloodstream. Some of those with sickle cell anemia, however, continue
producing the hemoglobin. These patients have less severe forms of the
disorder. The fetal hemoglobin seems to prevent sickling, and has a longer
lifespan in the blood. Hydroxyurea appears to work primarily by simulating
to manufacturing of fetal hemoglobin. There is evidence that administering
hydroxyurea with erythropoietin, a genetically engineered hormone that
stimulates red blood cell production, may work better than hydroxyurea
alone. This combination offers a lower dose to achieve the needed level
of the hemoglobin production. However, both drugs have serious side effects,
so scientists continue to look for safer agents. Butyrate is a rather simple
fatty acid, widely used as food additive, and is also being investigated.
It may be an agent to simulate production of fetal hemoglobin
an over the counter fungal medication, is being looked at as a potential
treatment. It seems to prevent the loss of water from the red blood cell
which contributes to sickling
marrow transplants have been shown as an effective cure for severely affected
children. The procedure is risky, and only about eighteen percent of the
afflicted children are likely to have a matched sibling
ultimate cure for sickle cell anemia may be gene therapy. In sickle cell,
the gene that switches on production of adult hemoglobin shortly before
birth is faulted. Until now, researchers had difficulty finding an animal
model that could be used as a test subject. Recently, however, a strain
of mice has been engineered which show similar characteristics of sickle
cell anemia to humans
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