nervous system:
connective tissue membranes protect the central nervous system and projections
of it's structures, called meninges. The outermost is the dura mater, or
'hard mother'. It is a double layered membrane where it surrounds the brain
(the more superficial is the periosteal dura mater, and the deeper is the
meningeal dura mater). The second meningeal layer is the arachnoid. The
name comes from 'spider' because it looks a great deal like spider webs.
It's thread-like processes span the subarachnoid space to attach to the
pia mater, 'gentle mother'. The pia mater clings closely to the tissue
of the spinal cord and brain, hugging every surface. Specialized protrusions
of the arachnoid extend beyond the dura mater, called arachnoid villi.
The cerebrospinal fluid is drawn into the veins through the arachnoid villi
matter refers to the aggregation of myelinated neurons and supporting glial
cells. Grey matter is used to describe cell bodies, dendrite and unmyelated
axons and neuroglia. Nerve cell bodies that lie outside the central nervous
system are called ganglia, primarily masses of grey matter. A tract is
a bundle of fibers in the central nervous system. The primary spinal tracts
that conduct impulses up the spinal cord, concerned with sensory transport,
are ascending tracts. The descending is concerned with the motor
responses. The main tracts are myelinated, white matter. A nucleus is a
mass of nerve cell bodies and dendrites in the central nervous system,
all of which have similar functions. It forms the grey matter. Horns, or
columns, are the chief areas in the spinal cord of grey matter. 'Horn'
describes the two dimensional appearance (grey matter), and 'column', the
three dimensional (white matter)
spinal cord is a roughly cylindrical structure, slightly flattened posterior
to anterior. It begins as a continuation of the medulla oblongata, the
inferior part of the brain stem, and extend out the foramen magnum of the
occipital bone. The spinal cord in an adult is about forty-three centimeters
in length, about two and one half in diameter in the midthoracic region,
and larger in the lower cervical area. When viewed externally, the spinal
cord can be seen to have two major enlargements. The superior of these
is the cervical enlargement, from which the nerves of the upper extremities
arise and join. The lower is the lumbar enlargement, where the same is
true of the nerves of the lower extremities. From the lumbar enlargement,
the spinal cord tapers to a conical portion, the conus medullaris, which
ends between the first and second lumbar vertebrae. The filum terminale
arises from the conus medullaris, a nonnervous fibrous tissue which attaches
to the coccyx, consisting mostly of pia mater. From the conus medullaris,
the spinal cord flares from the spine, angling downward. This arrangement
of the inferior spinal nerves it the cauda equina, or the horse's tail.
The spinal cord is considered to be in thirty-one segments, each giving
rise to a pair if spinal nerves, each of these sections being called as
spinal segment. Two grooves divide the cord into right and left halves
by the anterior and posterior median fissures. The latter is more shallow
and narrow
grey matter of the spinal cord forms an H-shapped darkened area. The center
center bar of the H is formed by the grey commissure. In the center of
the grey commissure is the small central canal which runs the length of
the spinal cord, continuous from the fourth ventricle of the medulla. The
wider, more rounded and anterior horns of the grey matter are the anterior
grey horns. The smaller, more actually horn-shaped are the posterior grey
horns. Between them are small lateral grey horns, present in the thoracic,
upper lumbar and sacral segments of the spinal cord. The anterior and lateral
grey horns make up the motor part of the grey matter. The posterior represent
the sensory section of the grey matter
to the grey commissure is the anterior white commissure, which connects
the symmetrical halves of the white matter of the spinal cord. The horns
of the grey matter divide the white into three columns. They are the anterior
white columns, the posterior columns, and the lateral columns. Each column
(funiculus), in turn, is divided into tracts, or fasciculi. The ascending
tracts are made up of sensory fibers. The descending tracts consist of
motor neurons
spinal cord has two major functions. One is to to convey information to
and from the brain via the spinal tracts. The second is to serve as the
center for reflexes. The posterior or dorsal root contains sensory neurons
only. Each dorsal root also has a swelling, the posterior root ganglion,
containing the cellular bodies of the neurons of the dorsal root. The other
root is the anterior, or ventral, root. If the cell bodies of autonomic
motor neurons are located in the lateral grey horn. The somatic are in
the anterior grey horn
path an impulse follows from its origin to termination is known as its
conduction pathway. One such pathway is a reflex arc. A reflect arc contains
at least two neurons which conduct an impulse from a receptor, through
an afferent neuron, to the spinal cord or brain, to an efferent neuron
and ending at an effector. Most often, association neurons are involved.
Some somatic reflexes:
reflexes-- are based on the two neuron arc model (monosynaptic reflex arc),
and it the only arc to do so. The impulse enters the spinal cord on the
same side as it exits, thus called an ipsilateral reflex arc. All monosynaptic
arcs and deep tendon arcs are ipsilateral. One stretch reflex is the patellar
or knee-jerk reflex. These reflexes result in the contraction of a muscle
the nervous system believes it stretched. They are tested by tapping on
the tendon of the muscle to see if the reflex takes place
reflexes-- are polysynaptic arcs. The receptors used are the Golgi tendon
organs. When the tension in a tendon becomes too strong, this reflex causes
the relaxation of the muscle
reflexes-- also called a withdrawal reflex. An ipsilateral arc. One example
would be stepping on a sharp object and immediately lifting your foot away
extensor reflexes-- an extension of muscles in in one limb occurs as a
result of contractions of muscles of the opposite limb
thirty-one pairs of spinal nerves are named for the vertebra from which
the emerge. There is one extra set of cervical nerves between the occipital
bone and the atlas. Total, there are eight cervical, twelve thoracic, five
lumbar, five sacral and one one pair of coccygeal. Each spinal nerve has
two points of attachment, the posterior and anterior roots describes above.
Spinal nerves are described as being mixed nerves because they contain
both sensory and motor fibers. The individual nerve fibers are enclosed
in the endoneurium. Gathered together into fascicles, they are them wrapped
in a perineurium. The nerve is then enclosed in the epineurium
after the spinal nerves leave the vertebrae, they divide into the branches
known as rami.
ramus-- innervates the deep back muscles and skin
ramus-- innervates superficial back muscles and all of the structures of
the extremities and lateral and ventral trunk
branch-- reenters the spinal canal through the intervertebral foramen to
supply nerves to the vertebrae, vertebral ligaments, blood vessels and
the meninges
communicantes-- components of the autonomic nervous system
for the second through eleventh thoracic nerves, the spinal nerves do not
go directly to their designated structures. They instead form a network
called a plexus
plexus-- formed by the ventral rami of the first five cervical nerves.
The cervical plexus also connects to the eleventh and twelfth cranial nerves
plexus-- made up of the ventral rami of the fifth through eighth cervical
and first thoracic nerves, with contribution from the fourth cervical and
second thoracic. In the axillary area, the plexus forms three main cords:
the lateral, posterior and medial cords. The axillary nerve is a short
nerve which runs behind the humerus and to the outer axillary area. The
radial nerve runs behind the humerus and then down the lateral surface
of the arm. The median nerve runs the center of the entire length of the
arm. On the medial surface is the ulnar nerve
plexus-- contains the ventral rami of the first through fourth lumbar nerves.
The large nerve which runs through the pelvis and along the posterior medial
aspect of the superior leg is the sciatic nerve. The shorter femoral nerve
runs anterior to the sciatic. The sciatic nerve splits about two thirds
of the way down the femur into the more medial tibial nerve, which, in
the lower lag, runs over the medial ankle. The other, more lateral branch
is the common peroneal nerve. The common peroneal, in turn, branches into
the deep and superficial peroneal nerves
plexus-- involves the fourth and fifth lumbar nerves and all four sacral
nerves. Situated mostly anterior to the sacrum
second through eleventh thoracic nerves do not enter a plexus and are known
as the intercostal or thoracic nerves
human brain looks, in many ways, a great deal like a mushroom. The stalk
is the brain stem, which is inferior to the inner structure called the
diencephalon. The large 'hat' of our brain mushroom is the cerebrum. To
the posterior and inferior of the cerebrum, behind the brain stem, is the
are four ventricles in the brain. The cerebrospinal fluid washes through
the subarachnoid space and through these ventricles:
ventricles (2)-- located in either hemisphere of the brain, at the 'ends'
of the corpus callosum
ventricle (1)-- a vertical slit inferior to the longitudinal fissure. This
ventricle communicates with the lateral ventricles via a narrow oval opening,
the interventricular foramen
ventricle (1)-- lies between the inferior brain stem and the cerebellum,
posterior to the pons and medulla oblongata. Communicates with the third
ventricle by way of the cerebral aqueduct, which passes through the midbrain.
The roof of the fourth ventricle has three openings through which it communicates
with the subarachnoid space of the brain and spinal cord. They are the
median aperture and lateral apertures
ventricles also contain the choroid plexuses, which are the producers of
the cerebrospinal fluid
medulla oblongata, or simply medulla, is a continuation of the superior
end of the spinal cord and is the most inferior part of the brain. It lies
just superior to the foramen magnum and extends up to the pons, about three
centimeters in length. The medulla oblongata contains both descending and
ascending tracts which begins the spinal cord and constitutes the white
matter of the medulla. One the ventral aspect of the medulla oblongata
are two roughly triangular pyramids, composed of motor neurons; the largest
tracts that pass from the outer cerebrum to the spinal cord. Just above
the foramen magnum, the tracts cross over to exchange side. The left pyramid
fibers to the right side and the other way around. This crossing is called
the decussation of pyramids. The purpose is as yet unknown. As a result,
the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, and the
left brain, the right body. The dorsal side of the medulla oblongata contains
two prominent sets of nuclei. They are the nucleus gracilis and nucleus
cuneatus. These nuclei receive sensory tracts and relay them to the opposite
side of the brain. The medulla also disperses grey matter containing some
white. This area is the reticular formation, and may extend down into the
superior spinal cord. Within the medulla are three vital reflex centers:
center-- regulates heartbeat and the force of contractions
rhythmicity area-- adjusts basic breathing rates
or vasoconstrictor center-- used to regulate the diameter of blood vessels
in the medulla are centers controlling swallowing, vomiting, coughing,
sneezing and hiccuping. The origin of the eighth, ninth, tenth, eleventh
and twelfth cranial nerves are here. The greater part of the vestibular
nuclear complex is associated with the medulla oblongata, helping in our
sense of equilibrium
pons is located anteriorly to the medulla oblongata and superiorly, just
inferior and posterior to the frontal lobes of the cerebrum. 'Pons' means
bridge, which aptly describes it's purpose. The pons serves as a bridge
from the spinal cord to the brain. These connections are provided by the
the middle cerebellar peduncles. Also contained or originating from the
pons are the fifth, sixth, seventh, sections of the eighth cranial nerves,
the pneumotaxic area and the apneustic area. The last two aid in the control
of respiration
midbrain, also called the mesencephalon, extends from the pons to the inferior
portions of the diencephalon. The cerebral aqueduct runs through it to
connect with the fourth ventricle from the third. The ventral portion of
the midbrain contains a pair of fiber bundles called the cerebral peduncles
which contain many motor fibers that connect to the pons and spinal cord,
as well as sensory leading the other way. The dorsal aspect of the mesencephalon
is called the tectum and contains four rounded portions, the corpora quadrigemina.
Two of the corpora quadrigemina are the superior colliculi, reflex centers
for the eyes and head for visual stimuli. The midbrain also contains the
substantia nigra, a large, heavily pigmented nucleus near the cerebral
peduncles. Another major nucleus is the red nucleus, a termination point
for many fibers from the cerebral cortex. The red nucleus is also the origin
for fibers of the descending rubrospinal tract. Cranial nerves of the mesencephalon
are the third and fourth cranial nerves. A common feature of the midbrain
is the medial lemniscus, a band of white fibers
diencephalon is made up of the thalamus and hypothalamus
thalamus is an oval structure located superiorly to the midbrain, about
three centimeters in size. It makes up about eighty percent of the diencephalon.
The thalamus is made up by two oval masses made up of mostly grey matter
that has been organized into nuclei to form part of the wall of the third
ventricle. The masses are bridged by grey matter in the form of the intermediate
mass. Each mass is in one hemisphere of the cerebrum, in an internal capsule.
Although primarily made up of grey matter, there are several areas of white
matter in the thalamus:
zonale-- on the dorsal surface
medullary lamina-- covering the lateral surface
medullary lamina-- divides the grey masses into and anterior nuclear group,
a medial nuclear group and a lateral nuclear group
each group mentioned above are specific nuclei, one in each mass:
geniculate nuclei-- a relay station for hearing sensory impulses
geniculate nuclei-- relay for vision
posterior nuclei (2)-- relay for general sensation and taste
lateral nuclei-- relay for the somatic impulses of voluntary motor actions
anterior nuclei-- relay for voluntary motor actions and arousal
thalamus is the primary relay for sensory information reaching the cerebral
cortex. It also serves as an interpretation area for pain, temperature,
light touch and pressure. In it's reticular formation, the thalamus contains
a reticular nucleus and an anterior nucleus in the floor of the lateral
ventricle. The anterior nucleus of the thalamus is part of the limbic system
hypothalamus makes up the other small portion of the diencephalon. It is
partially protected by the sella turcica of the sphenoid bone. It forms
the floor and part of the lateral walls of the third ventricle. The hypothalamus
also contains the small mammillary bodies, part of the limbic system. Sensory
impulses from peripheral sensory organs bringing such information as sound,
taste, smell and somatic sensory input. The hypothalamus has ten major
and integrating the autonomic system
and integration of sensory input
major intermediary between the nervous and endocrine system, and producing
the hormones antidiuretic hormone (ADH) and oxytocin (OT). Both of these
are taken to the pituitary for storage and release
center for 'mind over body' actions, such as in panic, the rapid beating
of the heart. Many psychosomatic disorders reside here
hypothalamus is associated with feelings of aggression and rage
of body temperature
the feeding center and satiety center
a thirst center
sleeping patters and wakefulness
sort of pacemaker for and drives most biological rhythms
cerebrum makes up the bulk of the brain. The surface of the cerebrum is
composed of grey matter about two to four millimeters deep, referred to
as the cerebral cortex. The cerebral cortex contains six layers of cell
bodies in most areas. Beneath the cortex is the cerebral white matter.
During development, the cortex grows faster and larger than the white matter
underneath, creating the wrinkled look of the brain. The folds are gyri
or convolutions, and the grooves are fissures or sulci. The cerebrum is
split in the center by the deep longitudinal fissure which nearly splits
the brain and separates it into right and left hemispheres. A bundle of
transverse fibers connect the hemispheres are the corpus callosum. Between
the hemispheres is an extension of the cranial dura mater called the falx
cerebri or the cerebral fold and encloses the superior and inferior cerebral
sinuses. The cerebrum is then divided into four principle lobes. The central
sulcus, or fissure, separates the frontal and parietal lobes. In the frontal
lobe there is a prominent prefrontal gyrus, a primary motor area. In the
parietal is a postcentral gyrus, a major sensory area. The lateral cerebral
sulcus is the boundary between the frontal and temporal lobes. The parietooccipital
sulcus separates the parietal and occipital lobes. The transverse fissure
is the division between the cerebrum and the cerebellum. A 'fifth' lobe
is buried deep within the the lateral cerebral sulcus; the insula. The
basal ganglia or cerebral nuclei are paired masses of grey matter in the
cerebrum. The largest of the basal ganglia are the corpus striatum. The
corpus striatum is made up of two parts. These are the lentiform and caudate
nuclei. The lentiform nucleus, in turn, is made up two more parts. The
more medial of these is the globus pallidus. Lateral to the globus pallidus
is the portion named the putamen. The portion of the internal capsule that
runs between the lentiform, caudate and thalamus is sometimes considered
to be a part of the corpus striatum. The internal capsule is a group of
sensory and motor white fibers that connects the cerebrum to the brain
stem and spinal cord, located in the tail of the caudate nucleus. Other
structures associated with the basal ganglia are the claustrum, the amygdaloid
nucleus at the end of the caudate nucleus tail, substantia nigra, subthalamic
nucleus and red nucleus. The caudate nucleus and the putamen control large
subconscious movements of the skeletal muscles
limbic system combines parts of the diencephalon and the cerebrum into
a wish-bone shaped group that functions in the emotional aspect of behavior
related to survival. Some of the regions of grey matter involved in the
limbic system are:
nucleus of the thalamus-- located in the floor of the lateral ventricle
lobe-- formed by two gyri of the hemispheres (the cingulate and the hippocampal)
bodies-- parts of the hypothalamus near cerebral peduncles, small and round
in appearance
an extension of the hippocampal gyrus that extends to the floor of the
lateral ventricle
memory impairments result from lesions on the limbic system. Also associated
with the limbic system are pleasure and pain. Because of it's role in pain,
anger, pleasure, fear, sorrow, sexual feeling, docility, and affection,
the limbic system is sometimes called the emotional brain
cerebellum is the second largest part of the brain. It is located posteriorly
to the brain stem and inferior to the occipital lobe. It is separated from
the cerebrum by the transverse fissure and an extension of the dura mater
called the tentorium cerebelli. The wrinkles in the surface of the cerebellum
are called folia. The center area is slightly constricted, called the vermis.
The posterior and anterior lobes are concerned with the conscious and subconscious
movement of skeletal muscles. The flocculnodular lobe is associated with
our maintenance of equilibrium. The surface of grey matter of the cerebellum
is also called a cortex. The white matter of the cerebellum is arranged
in a tree-like structure, the arbor vitae. The cerebellum is connected
to the brain stem by three pairs of cerebellar peduncles. The cerebellum
helps us know where one part of the body is in relation to another, called
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