injuries are generally divided into four basic types:
cause solely by the blast overcompression on tissues. Air is easily compressible,
but water is not. So, as a result, a primary blast injury will affect air-filled
strictures, such ad the gastrointestinal tract,
lungs, and ears.
caused by an object thrown by the blast which strikes the patient
typical of high-energy explosions. The patient is thrown by the explosion
and strikes another object
any other injuries
rupture of the tympanic membrane indicates a high-pressure wave-- at least
6 psi, and may correlate with more dangerous internal injuries, especially
to the lungs. If the TM is ruptured or torn, a CT (computed tomography)
should be performed
should be checked for evidence of contusion and pneumothorax.
Wheezing is usually due to inhaled irritants (gasses or dust) and/or pulmonary
barotrauma is the most commonly fatal primary blast injury. Includes: pulmonary
contusion, systemic air embolism, thrombosis, lipoxygenation and intravascular
coagulation (clotting). ARDS (adult respiratory distress syndrome) may
indicate a direct lung injury
gas embolism (AGE, a form of pulmonary barotrauma) most commonly will occur
in the blood vessels of the brain or spinal cord. Resulting neurological
symptoms are different from those of direct trauma, but require immediate
barotrauma happens most often in cases of water explosions, usually affecting
the colon
most cases, the extent of acoustic trauma is the rupturing of the tympanic
membrane. With high-energy explosions, the ossicles may be fractured or
dislocated (a marker of more pressure injuries)
most common tertiary blast injury are skull fractures and traumatic amputation
of long bones (humerus, femur, etc.)
blast injuries may include inhalation of toxins, exposure, radiation and
burns (chemical or thermal). Incomplete combustion, dust inhalation and
asbestos exposure may result in CO and CN poisoning. Crush injuries also
happen with alarming frequency
who have been exposed to a blast should have a screening urinalysis. If
the explosion took place in an enclosed space, COHgb and electrolyte levels
should be examined (for the serum bicarbonate and anion gap)
difference between the measured and calculated O2
levels may indicate CO poisoning (if there is doubt, apply a 100% oxygen
mask until CO levels can be more accurately measured)
(CN) is the product of the incomplete combustion of plastics, often found
in combination with CO poisoning
severe burns are observed, watch for rhabdomyolysis and the resulting hyperkalemia
and myoglobinuric renal failure. Specifically, if the blast is from a military
white phosphorus munition, there is a high rick of hypocalcemia and hyperphosphatemia.
IV calcium may be necessary
CT's may reveal intestinal hematoma. Also watch for high abdominal pain
and vomiting
(white phosphorus, see above) is a metal, found most often in grenades,
that ignites on contact with the air. If this is the cause of the blast
trauma, identifiable particles and fragments should be removed and stored
in water or oil to prevent further combustion. Rinse with a 1% copper sulfate,
which creates, in contact with the WP, a blue-black cupric phophide coating,
making the particles easier to find and preventing them from further combustion.
Excessively used copper sulfate may cause intravascular hemolysis, acute
renal failure and even death. Needless to say, copper sulfate should never
be applied as a dressing and thoroughly washed out after use
TM tears or punctures will heal spontaneously. Complications may arise
from ossicle damage, cholesteatoma or perilymphatic fistulae. About 33%
(one third) of patients suffer permanent hearing loss
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