cataract is the lense in the eye that has lost it's
clarity. As the lense becomes cloudy, vision grow steadily worse. At some
point, the loss of vision becomes great enough the sufferer is willing
to have surgery to have the problem fixed. In this procedure, the cloudy
lense is removed and is replaced by an artificial lense, or lense implant
crystalline lense inside the eye has several parts. The center of the lense
is a hard core called the nucleus. The lense nucleus is made up of rings
of cells, pushed together over time. Though soft in childhood, they become
harder with age. Surrounding the nucleus is the cortex, a softer area.
The entire lense is covered by a capsule similar to a clear bag. The lense
is held in place by small fibers named the zonule
surgery is usually done under local anesthetic, and the patient is awake
are several different techniques for removing cataracts. These are divided
into two groups, being intra- and extracapsular. One common misconception
is that cataract surgery can be performed with lasers. While lasers are
common tools in eye surgeries, they cannot remove a cataract
intracapsular surgery, the entire lense is removed with it's capsule. A
large opening is made in the eyeball, and injected with a drug to make
the zonular fibers dissolve. An instrument uses liquid nitrogen to freeze
it to the lense. When the lense is frozen to the probe, it is gently pulled
from the eye. The opening is then stitched up until it heals. Intracapsular
cataract surgery is now considered archaic and is very rare
extracapsular surgery, a much smaller opening is made in the eye. Then,
an opening is created in the front of the capsule, just large enough for
the nucleus of the lense to be removed. It is either removed whole or is
more commonly dissolved into tiny pieces using phacoemulsification. The
cortex is also removed, leaving only the back section of the capsule. Stitches
may or may not be required
either operation, after the natural lese has been removed, it is replaced
with a rigid one of plastic. Recently, some newer types of material such
as silicone and hydrogels have been used. In an inracapsular surgery, the
lense implant is placed in front of the iris. In extracapsular, the lense
implant is placed behind the iris, in it's natural resting place
cataract removal, glasses are worn to fine-tune vision. With a lense implant
in the eye, the vision is close to normal, even without glasses. If a lense
implant is not used, much thicker glasses are needed. Even with the implant,
however, the lense has lost flexibility and the patient loses some ability
to focus well
are not guaranteed. It is possible to lose all vision if surgery is not
correctly performed. Don't panic, about 95% of surgeries have good results
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