structures of the eye include the eyebrows, eyelashes, eyelids, and lacrimal
glands and ducts, all serving to protect the eye
eyelids, or palpebrae, shade the eyes during sleep, block excessive light,
and spread lubrication (blinking). The upper eyelid is far more movable
than the lower, moved by the levator palpebrae superioris muscles. The
space between the lids, exposing the eye when open, is the palpebral fissure.
It's angles are the medial and lateral commissure. The lacrimal caruncle
is a small, red elevation in the medical commissure, containing sebaceous
and sudoriferous glands. The tarsal plate is a thick fold of connective
tissue in the inner eyelid to give it form and structure. The tarsal
plates contain Meibomian glands, modified sebaceous glands which secrete
an oily substance to keep the eyelids from sticking together. Infection
or blockage may result in cysts or tumors called chalazion
conjunctiva is a thin mucus membrane lining the exposed surface of the
eye and the inner surface of the palpebrae. Where it covers the eye is
called the bulbar, or ocular, conjunctiva. The conjunctiva covering the
inside of the eyelids is the palpebral conjunctiva. Infection or irritation
of the conjunctiva results in conjunctivitis
lacrimal gland is about the size and shape of an almond. Each is located
in the superior lateral orbit. From the glands are about a dozen lacrimal
ducts, opening together as the puncta lacrimalia, one small opening in
medial commissure. The fluid then drains into two lacrimal canals and into
the lacrimal sac in the inferior orbit, leading to the nasolacrimal duct.
The nasolacrimal duct transports the lacrimal secretion to the inferior
meatus of the nose. The lacrimal secretion contains
an anti-bacterial enzyme, lysozyme
the base of each eyelash are sebaceous ciliary glands, or glands of Zeis,
that lubricate the follicle. Infection or blockage forms a sty
adult eye is about two and one half centimeters in diameter, with only
one sixth of it's surface exposed. It can be divided into three layers:
tunic-- the outermost tunic, white in color. The fibrous tunic can be further
divided into the posterior and lateral sclera, and the anterior cornea.
The cornea is clear over the aqueous humor, iris and crystalline lens.
At the junction of the sclera and cornea is a venous sinus referred to
as the canal of Schlemm, where the aqueous humor is drained off. The outer
surface of the cornea is covered by the bulbar conjunctiva
tunic-- the middle tunic is the middle layer of the eye, itself composed
of three portions. All three together are called the uvea. The choroid
is the posterior section of the uvea, a thin, dark brown membrane that
lines most of the interior surface of the sclera. Then, around the iris,
it becomes the ciliary body. It extends from the ora serrata of the inner
tunic (retina) to just behind the sclerocorneal junction. The ora serrata
is the ragged termination of the retina. The ciliary body is made up of
the ciliary processes, protrusions and folds of the internal surface which
secrete the aqueous humor, and the ciliary muscle, a smooth muscle that
alters the shape of the lans for near or far vision. The most anterior
section of the vascular tunic is the iris. It is made up of circular and
radial smooth muscle fibers arranged in the familiar ring-shape. Light
passed through the centrally located pupil. The iris is suspended between
the cornea and the lens and is attached to the ciliary processes
tunic or retina-- only covers the interior posterior section of the eye,
terminating in the ora serrata. The tissue continues at a pigmented, non-seeing
section of the retina
retina contains three areas of neurons: photoreceptor neurons, ganglion
neurons, and bipolar neurons. The dendrites of the photoreceptors are called
rods and cones for their shapes; the former being longer and more uniform,
the second being short, more conical. Rods specialize in seeing in dim
light, receiving only black and white. Cones see in brighter light, in
color. It is estimated that there are about seven million cones, and fifteen
times that is the number of rods in the eye. The cones are mostly concentrated
in the central fovea, a small depression in the center of the macula lutea.
The macula lutea (yellow spot) is in the precise center of the interior
posterior eye. The fovea is the area of sharpest vision. In the central
fovea, the are no cones, but the cones increase in density the farther
one looks from the fovea
information passes through the photoreceptors, it moves to the bipolar
neurons in the intermediate layer of the nervous tunic to the ganglion
neurons. From there, impulses travel to the brain via the optic nerve.
Axons of the ganglion neurons exit the eye at the blind spot called the
optic disc
behind the pupil is the lens, made up of many protein layers, structured
like an onion. It is normally totally clear, suspended by suspensitory
ligaments. Cataracts are the result of the
lens losing it's transparency
lens divides the hollow cavity of the eye into two. The larger is the posterior
cavity, filled with the vitreous humor. The vitreous is jelly-like, helping
to maintain pressure to keep the eye from collapsing. It is formed during
embryonic life and is not replaced. The anterior cavity is, itself, divided
into two cavities. The posterior lies just behind the iris, the anterior
in front. This cavity is filled with the aqueous humor. Unlike the vitreous,
it is constantly renewed and recycled by the choroid plexuses of the ciliary
bodies of the vascular (middle) tunic. Intraocular pressure maintains the
shape of the eye. Excessive pressure is referred to as glaucoma. Both humors
are used to maintain this pressure and refract light
travel from the retina to the optic nerve, to the optic chiasma, to the
optic tracts, to the lateral geniculate nuclei, to the optic diffusion
(of nerves), finally being analyzed in the visual are of the cortex of
the occipital lobes (that was a mouth-full!)
(20/20) sight is called emmetropic vision. Nearsightedness, or myopia,
occurs when the eye is too long, and the focal point of the image is in
front of the retina. Farsightedness, or hypermetropia, is when the eye
it too short, focusing behind the retina. The first is corrected by a concave
lens, the other, convex. An astigmatism is an irregular lens or cornea.
Presbyopia is farsightedness due to the loss of elasticity in the lens
an image reaches the retina, it is inverted, and must be righted by the
brain. The image is also mirror reversed, also corrected in the brain.
The eyes converge (convergence) on an object being viewed
photopigment utilized in rods is rhodopsin, or visual purple, sensitive
to low levels of illumination. Rhodopsin is made up of scotopsin (a protein)
and retinal (derivative of vitamin A). Retinal can exist in two states,
depending on whether or not light is present. Without light, it is cis-retinal,
a curved molecule. When light strikes it, cis-retinal becomes a straight
molecule, all-trans-retinal. It pulls away from the scotopsin, forming
an unstable substance, bathorhodopsin (prelumirhodopsin), and rapidly decomposes
as follows: lumirhodopsin, metarhodopsin I, metarhodopsin II, then pararhodopsin.
From there, it completely breaks apart into scotopsin and all-trans-retinal.
The all-trans-retinal is converted by an enzyme back to cis-retinal, and
it is joined to scotopsin, becoming rhodopsin once more
eye contains three types of cones, whose retinal's are connected to protein
fragments, photopsins, rather than scotopsin. The combination works in
a similar way to the cycle in the rods, but faster and require brighter
light. The three types of cones sense one each red, green and blue light
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